Printing Rationale

It has come to the end of the two week printing workshop and I have to say I really did enjoy it.  I have had some practice of printing during A-level back in school but it didn’t feel quite as free or professional as it did while working in the printing studios at Ulster university. I enjoyed making the calligraph plate as it was really messy and creative and just a ‘use what you have’ type of challenge, and the results weren’t bad! Looking back on my calligraphy prints I have to say there not great but for a first attempt I am very pleased with them. I will definitely look forward to practicing more with this style of printing in the future. I mostly enjoyed doing the etching and dry point prints as these came out a lot better, my plates where of a bunch of daffodils as well as my bedroom although I found my room boring and mainly focused on the plastic milk. Dry point printing is definitely my favourite form of print and I have some experience with these method.

Overall I really enjoyed the two week workshop and I look forward to making my dry points as I am a little bit behind everyone else and seeing the rest of the classes prints uploaded has just made me more eager to have mine printed. I had a lot of fun and really enjoy this form of art!

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